BeritaTerkini.Info - Ronald Tannur, the defendant in the assault and murder case of a woman named Dini Sera Afriyanti, was acquitted of his charges by the Surabaya District Court (PN).
Then various parties criticized the acquittal verdict decided by three Surabaya District Court Judges, namely Erintuah Damanik, Heru Hanindio, and Mangapul.
The Surabaya District Court also responded to the criticism conveyed by the public in the acquittal verdict against the child of the PKB faction member of the Indonesian House of Representatives.
Public Relations of the Surabaya District Court, Alex Adam admitted that his party was aware of public criticism regarding the verdict of the three judges in the Ronald Tannur case.
Alex admitted that his party had not yet deactivated the three judges who were sitting in the Ronald Tannur case.
According to him, his party was still waiting for the process produced by the Judicial Commission (KY) and the Supreme Court (MA) regarding the criticism conveyed by the public regarding the acquittal verdict. "To deactivate, it must be declared a violation first.
To violate it, there must also be an examination first, there must be something that must be clarified and someone must conduct an examination," said Alex.
"Because the results of the examination will be discussed and discussed," he continued.
Hotman Paris Will Reveal the Cause of Ronald Tannur's Acquittal
Famous lawyer Hotman Paris also highlighted the sensational news of the acquittal verdict against Ronald Tannur.
Hotman Paris in a video he uploaded via his Instagram account @hotmanparisofficial.
Hotman admitted that he would completely reveal the verdict of the Surabaya District Court Panel of Judges which had drawn criticism from the public.
"The sensational case in Surabaya with the defendant Ronald Tannur who was acquitted by the Panel of Judges. So the indictment will be read so that you know what happened according to the prosecutor's version," said Hotman as quoted on Monday (7/29/2024).
Hotman admitted that his party would fully review the acquittal verdict.
According to him, the news would be conveyed by Hotman Paris via live streaming on his social media accounts.
"Tomorrow, July 30, 2024 at 7:30 a.m., the Hotman 911 team will read the prosecutor's letter in the case on dr.hotmanparisofficial's TikTok," he said.
In the verdict, Chief Justice Erintuah Damanik stated that Ronald Tannur, as the defendant in the murder of his lover Dini Sera Afrianti, was not proven guilty.
The Panel of Judges acquitted Ronald of all charges by the Public Prosecutor.
"The defendant was not proven guilty of the death of his lover Dini Sera Afrianti, and acquitted Ronald Tannur of all charges by the public prosecutor, namely Articles 338, 351, and 359 of the Criminal Code," explained Judge Erintuah when reading the verdict.
The judge's consideration was because the defendant still made efforts to help the victim in critical times by taking her to the hospital to get help.
Meanwhile, the public prosecutor stated that he was still considering filing an appeal and would report the verdict to his superiors. (raa)